Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Wordle for Vocabulary Activities

If you want to give a graphical image of words to your students, which is called word cloud, Wordle is a  great tool for you. The following image is an example of word cloud created by Wordle. It is a free to commercially use image downloaded from google image.

Pedagogical Implication in Language Teaching

In language learning such images can motivate the students. Moreover, different colours in the image can make it attractive to the children. Visual learners will be benefitted from this colourful image.

Sample Activity:

1. Wordle can be used to ask students to find out the verbs from the wordle image.

2. Fun activity of making the longest sentence using the vocabulary from the image can be done.

3. Brainstorming ideas for any writing activity can easily be done using wordle.

4. The teacher can create groups based on the colour of the words from a wordle image. Then the students will make a story based on the words that they find in the same colour. Each group might be asked to share the story in the classroom.

Using Wordle in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh Wordle can be used for vocabulary teaching and for brainstorming ideas for paragraph writing. Teachers can also use such images in the quiz questions. For example, an image can be given and students can be asked to make sentences using any five words. Students may also be asked to find out verbs or adjectives from the image. 


Wordle image can be used only for activities related to vocabulary. Therefore, it is applicable only for vocabulary teaching. Moreover, creating image from Wordle has become browser specific and works in Microsoft explorer only. Therefore, it is not possible to create image using other browsers.

Friday, March 3, 2017


Vocaroo is a voice recording service and anyone can easily use it by going to http://vocaroo.com/.

Getting Started:

I have created the following video to show you how to use Vocaroo for teaching listening and speaking. Ways of sharing the saved file with others have also been explained. 

Pedagogical Implication:

Vocaroo is a great tool if you want your students to practice speaking. Sometimes a recorded speech helps to find out the problem of pronunciation or stress. If the students record their speech and listen to it, they will find it helpful. Moreover, for rehearsing presentation, students can give the speech and listen to it. Therefore, it may help them for improving features of pronunciation and for rehearsing the speech. Students can do this autonomously if they want to check their self-progress. They can also do it collaboratively with their friends.

The teachers, however, can use vocaroo for giving feedback and for creating fun and motivating activity in the classroom.   


1. A lot of other recording tools are available, but what makes Vocaroo unique is its easy to use features. It allows to send audio files to email. It is also a free tool. Log in or details are not mandatory to record and send the speech.

2. Downloading options in mp3, Wav formats are helpful if the user wants to keep the recording for his or her own use.

3. The recordings can be easily deleted from the website. Therefore, if the teacher or student is concerned about privacy, this option will be helpful.


1. The maximum recording time allowed in Vocaroo is five minutes. Therefore, for recording speech that is longer than five minutes, other recording tools should be used.

Using in Bangladesh:

1. In Bangladesh, the teachers can use it to give oral feedback. As it can be used for free, the teachers do not need to pay money. For example, after reading any assignment of the students, the teacher can record the detailed feedback and send it to the email of the students.

2.  It is a great tool for self-assessment. Students can record their own speech and see  the problems of pronunciation, stress and intonation. Students can also work in groups and help each other by emailing the recording and giving feedback. The teacher may form groups in the class and assign task throughout the term for such group activity. A digital portfolio can be maintained in Mahara for assessing the improvement of speaking skill.


The logo is a registered trademark and copyright to www.vocaroo.com.


Getting Started:

In order to use Screencast-O-Matic, one needs to go to https://screencast-o-matic.com/ and download it by clicking the Start Recording option. Login is also possible by clicking the Sign Up option. Tutorials have been given in the tutorials option of the upper right side of the website to make the use easier- https://screencast-o-matic.com/.

Using Screencast-O-Matic:
The following video has been made by me to show you how to download Screencast-O-Matic and to record screen of your computer using this software.


1. A free version is available. Therefore, students or teachers can use it for recording speech or for giving spoken feedback.

2. The three different types of recording- only the screen, screen and the webcam, the webcam only give a lot of choices that the teachers can use according to the purpose.


1. Editing video opportunity can only be found if the user becomes a paid subscriber and pays 15 dollars a year. The free version does not allow the user to edit the video.

2. The free version only allows to record a speech for 10 minutes. So, if someone needs to record for more time, the free version might not be a good option. In that case, the user needs to pay for Screencast-O-Matic or use other screen capturing software.

Sample Activity:

1. Digital storytelling activity can be given to the students as a project. They can use a lot of slides and pictures and make a short video assignment by recording the slides.

2. The teacher can make short instructional videos of showing or explaining the content to the student. The main advantage of this is that if the teacher saves the recording, then the same video can be used in similar circumstances again.

3. Oral feedback on any written document can easily be given if the teacher opens the Microsoft Word document, opens Screencast-O-Matic and records the feedback on that written assignment.

Using in Bangladesh:

In Bangladesh, students can be asked to record and submit digital presentation as part of a speaking activity. They can use Screencast-O-Matic. They can use blog to keep and share a portfolio of recordings with other students. The teacher can also give recorded oral feedback on this type of project work. The recorded speech helps to reflect on pronunciation, intonation, stress of the speech. Therefore, in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context of Bangladesh, Screencast-O-Matic can help both teachers and students to reflect on the delivery of their speech.  


The logo is a copyright to Screencast-O-Matic.


If you, as a teacher, want your students to record and share small video presentations with other group members of the class or with you, you can easily suggest your students to use Movenote. Students can download Movenote from Google Play, App Store or from https://www.movenote.com/.

Getting Started:

The following video has been recorded using Movenote and it shows how to use Movenote for presentations.


1. It is easy to record and share using this application. The video files are easy to share. You can share the link in email, youtube, linkedin, twitter and other social media sites.

2. It does not need a lot of technical knowledge to use it.

3. Laser pointer is an advantage which helps to point out any important part of the presentation.


1. For using this application, affordances should be there. The students need to have the mobile phone and they should be allowed to use it in the classroom. In many cases, the educational institution does not allow students to use mobile phone in the classroom. So, the teacher needs to consider it as well and may ask students to use it at home for homework or project work.

2. High quality video may not be created by using Movenote. Therefore, if the teachers want to give oral feedback or instructional video to the students, they may consider using other types of screen capturing tool.

3. Editing the video will not be possible by using Movenote.  If the teachers use website, then they will be able to add or delete slides by going to the Re-Order option, but editing the whole video once it will be ready will not be possible.

Sample Activity:

1. The teacher can divide students in pairs and give a pair work of an activity which involves speaking. Each pair can record the task/work using Movenote and share with other pairs through links. they can also show it in the classroom to other pairs. If they have a chance of creating digital portfolio and submit it to the teacher as part of the assessment, they can record and use it.

2. Students can record their presentations and can watch it to assess their own voice modulation, intonation, pronunciation, facial expression. In this way, they will be able to prepare themselves.


The logo and video are copyright to Movenote.


Teachers nowadays have to manage a lot of class works and home works for doing formative assessment of the students. In the classroom, Plickers can help by allowing to record the responses of the students instantly.

Getting Started:

The teacher needs to have an email account and the Plickers account to start using Plickers. The website address is www.plickers.com. Using the email address, the teacher can easily open the account. However, once the account is open, the teacher needs to print the paper clickers or cards. The mobile app needs to be downloaded too.

Using Plickers:

The following video shows how the teacher can easily use Plickers in the classroom.


1. The teachers can use this tool for formative assessment even if the students do not have mobile phones.

2. If the teacher fears that the students might be distracted or browse other websites while using the mobile phone or iPad in the classroom, this tool can be a very good alternative.


1. Glossy laminations often reflect light and may create problem during scanning of the cards. Therefore, teachers need to make sure that the cards are matte-laminated or not laminated at all.

2. It might be time consuming as the teacher needs to scan the answer of the students.

3. Plickers might be difficult to use in large classes where there are more than 50 students.

Use in Bangladeshi Context:

In Bangladesh, Plickers can be a very useful tool for the teachers considering the fact that students are not allowed to use mobile phone in the classroom. Moreover, a lot of students in the village may not afford mobile phones. Therefore, the teacher can use cards and Plickers in such circumstances.


The logo and video are copyright to www.plickers.com.


In the present world where portability is an issue in language learning, a teacher can think about Nearpod. In order to use Nearpod, one needs to download the app and go to https://nearpod.com/. The teacher can subscribe for free or subscribe. Once the teacher creates a presentation or share an activity or language task, the students can use it from their mobile phones. The teacher is in control of the task. The students can not control or avoid doing the task until he/she exits from Nearpod.

Theoretical Considerations:

Using Nearpod for language learning is interesting because of authenticity, collaboration and motivation. For example, authentic language activity can be given by sending students to a real situation and asking them to fill up the gaps or writing the short answers after finishing talking with someone in English. This situation might be about exchange greetings or bargaining the price of a good or about discussion with a friend regarding studies. Students feel motivated when they are pushed out of their comfort zone to work in a real life context using Nearpod. They can either collaborate for the task or do the task individually.

Sample Activity:

1. The teacher can use the quiz for vocabulary activities. The students can be asked to do homework from their home. The teacher can see who has done the work and the statistics of participation are shown too. Therefore, for formative assessment, it can be a good tool.

Here is a simple activity that can be played from the Nearpod app. After entering the app, students will have to type MBAVS and they will be able to answer the questions on a simple lesson on brainstorming ideas.


1. Teachers can easily upload their PowerPoint presentations in Nearpod. They can highlight, copy and delete as well. Videos can be uploaded from a computer or from YouTube.

2. As this is controlled by the teacher, the students may not be distracted in the classroom. The teacher can share one idea at a time.

3.The teacher can share the best answer without even sharing the name of the person and embarrassing others. Therefore, students will feel secured as their mistakes will not be revealed to peers.

4. The teacher can edit and add a new activity in the middle of an ongoing language learning task. This flexibility gives an advantage of improvisation of task in the classroom depending on necessity.


If the teacher wants students to take picture and share with students, it needs to be made sure that in the devices of  the students this feature is working properly.


The logo is a trademark of https://nearpod.com/.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Presentation: Prezi

If you want to present from a cloud account using slides that are more interactive and good in graphics, you can think about Prezi. It is easily accessible from www.prezi.com and an account can be opened for free besides the premium membership.

Theoretical Considerations:

Prezi, like PowerPoint slides can serve the audio visual learners. It also motivates the learners in the classroom.

In the following video clip, you can get the guidelines of how to create slides in Prezi-


1. The templates help to type and create slides very easily.

2. The graphics of Prezi is really very good and attractive to look at.

3. Anyone can save the Prezi presentation in the cloud or website and use it from different places. Therefore, this facility of saving slides online has made it unique.


1. There needs to have internet connection in order to use Prezi from the cloud source. Therefore, if there is no internet connection, the use of the slides will not be possible.

2. The text in the slides some of the time looks very big or displaced. One needs to edit properly in order to make the text visually appropriate. The editing may take a lot of time too.

3. Though the animated graphics seems visually attractive, depending on the level of the learners or the context, consideration is needed to use appropriate template. A lot of animation may distract the learners in the classroom.

Using in Bangladesh:

In Bangladesh, teachers can easily use Prezi for creating class presentations and use in the classroom if internet connection is available. However, in case of situations when internet connection or projector is not available, it will not be judicious to use Prezi.

A Sample Prezi Presentation:

The following Prezi presentation has been created by me. You can have a look at it and enjoy creating your own Prezi presentations-



The logo and video are copyright to https://prezi.com/.

Saturday, February 18, 2017


TodaysMeet gives the students a chance to meet virtually as a group in a room and to discuss or respond to each others' discussion in a private way. The site can be accessed from todaysmeet.com.

The following video shows the basic guidelines for using TodaysMeet.

Theoretical Considerations:

This tool, if used strategically, can make the students motivated. It will also help in agile teaching and learning. Collaborative learning is also another theoretical consideration behind using this tool in the classroom.


1. Teachers can use this tool to get instant responses from the students.

2. Students can share links of their online learning activities in the room with other students. Therefore, they can give feedback to each other and learn in a collaborative environment. 

3. Students do not need to register if the teacher creates an account and opens the room. The teacher can share the passcode and students can use the passcode, enter the room and share the link.

4. The way the room is used can be modified in different ways. The teacher can give security, use the room for as long as a year or can open it for only seven days. Therefore, depending on the purpose of the activity, the feature can be modified. A time limit also allows the teacher to control the submission of the link or the collaborative discussion on an activity.


1. Affordances should be there in order to use it in the classroom. Without a computer or a laptop, students can not use it in the classroom.

Using in Bangladesh:

1. Teachers can use TodaysMeet in the classroom if there is access to the devices and internet. However, it might be best to use it for homework by allowing the chat room for a specific time. As all the students may not have computer or may not bring laptop in the classroom, the teacher needs to ask the students before using it.  

2. Students can use the room for group works and project plans.


The logo of TodaysMeet is copyright to https://todaysmeet.com/ . The video, however, has been created by Henry Ramirez.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Second Life: Learning Language Virtually

Have you ever thought that you will be able to speak in a virtual community? It is possible by creating an account in Second Life. The avatar can be changed according to the choice. Moreover, travelling to different places is possible. You can walk alone in the streets of Paris or walk in group beside a beach or attend classes in a classroom. All of these are possible in Second Life. Student can meet their teacher and other students. They can learn any subject, even learn speaking English.

The following video shows what Second Life can offer for Second Life-

Theoretical considerations:

Taking the advantage of gamification and collaborative learning, Second Life motivates the learners to learn and use English contextually. For example, students can meet an unknown person and start exchanging greetings.

Matters to Consider:

1. Affordances should be there for using Second Life. It requires using computer and technological knowledge of the student. In Bangladesh, especially in the villages, many of the students will not be able to use it for affordance issue.

2. It requires training to work and operate in Second Life.

3. It is very time consuming to work here. Therefore, there is a danger that it may distract students in the classroom. Teacher control is needed in order to use Second Life effectively in the classroom.

4. If the teacher wants a private place to teach students, he or she needs to buy places which involves spending money.


1. The graphics and different places can be used to teach in a motivating way. Students, especially visual students will find the colourful ambience attractive.

2. Notecards can be used to give students idea and instruction. Students can also share their notecards with other members of Second Life.

3. Learners from different countries can meet and talk. Therefore, Second Life gives a chance of authentic communication.

Using in Bangladesh:

In Bangladesh, the teachers can encourage the students to play in Second Life by making a group and speaking in English. However, playing Second Life in the classroom might distract students and a lot of time might be wasted. Therefore, students can use Second Life in their personal life, to learn on their own, but it might not be a good idea to use it in the classroom.  


The logo is copyright to https://www.secondlife.com/ and the video is created by Learning Revolution

Sunday, February 5, 2017


In order to use Triptico, the user needs to go to https://www.tripticoplus.com/ and create either an individual or multiple users account. Once the account is created, the user can go to the resources page and find out different types of quizzes, selectors, timers, tools, legacy resources. Under each of these themes, there are a lot of language games. For example, there are different types of quizzes such as Find Ten, Bingo, Image Bingo, Word Mix, Find the Answer, Connect etc. Selectors, on the other hand, make the language activity interesting by allowing Text Spinner, Image Spinner, Task Spinner, PinBoard, Student Selector, Spring Selector, Flip Selector etc. Timers give options of selecting timer for language tasks or activities. Flip Timer counts time up and down, Circle timer gives an alarm when the time of the task finishes.

Theoretical Considerations:

As the activities can be designed in an interactive way, it helps to motivate the students in the classroom.

Sample Activity:

The following activity has been created by me which shows how you can make groups among your students. You can click on the link and see the task-https://tripticoplus.com/tshare/tyzn2abe/1418. I have typed the names of the students and saved. Once the link will be clicked, it will lead to the website. By scrolling down the screen, an option named Click to launch the activity will be found. Once the Click the Activity will be clicked, a new window will pop up which will show a list of names of students. At the bottom of the page, there is a menu option. It has an option named Create Groups. After selecting the option, it will show the Number of Groups and Create the Groups options. Selecting the last option will create groups automatically. Making groups among the students using this option is thrilling as the students wait to know the names of the group members. This activity is motivating for young learners.


1. The main advantage of using Triptico is that it gives a chance of doing interactive activities in the classroom using  an interactive whiteboard.

2. The teachers can also design a lot of activities and save the files, edit and use those in the classroom.


1. Triptico is not free. Although it gives a free trial for seven days, individual subscription costs 15 pounds a year. For multiple users, the site licence costs from 100 to 295 pounds.

2. The subscription fees, therefore, are the impediment to use it in the developing context like Bangladesh. 


The logo in shown in the post is a copyright to Triptico .  

Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Voki is an interesting tool that teachers can use to make language learning a fun activity. Teachers and students can use avatars and virtual voices to present ideas. This avatar is called Voki. Teachers can make slides and use the Voki to make the presentation interesting to the students.

Get Started:

The following video shows how to create and publish an avatar in Voki.


1. Voki is a free tool. Teachers can use it for free besides subscribing to it. It can also be accessed from mobile phones.

2. The speaking characters can give audio input and correct pronunciation.

3. Collaborative learning is possible as students can make groups and speak through their Vokis.

4. Flashcards can help to learn vocabulary.


1. Voki has very limited use for creating avatars and using slides. Therefore, it can only be used for speaking and listening activities.

2. Affordances should be there in order to use Voki. For example, the classroom needs to have computer facility for the students if the teacher sets a classroom activity using Voki

Using in Bangladesh:

1. In Bangladesh, learners can use voki to discuss with group members in English. The teachers can make groups and ask students to practice in group either at the home or in the classroom. However, it may distract students in the classroom. Therefore, it can be a good idea to encourage students to use Voki at home.

2. Voki voice output can be used in order to improve pronunciation of a word.

3. Teachers and students can use Voki to create interesting presentations in the classroom.

The following lesson shows how the teacher can use an avatar and voice for the presentation-  https://www.voki.com/teach/lessons#LessonGroup60


The logo of voki is a registered trademark of www.voki.com and the video has been created by officialvoki.

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Quizlet is an online learning tool that helps to learn vocabulary through flashcards, games and quizzes. There are several study modes in Quizlet. These are flashcards, learn, spell, testgravity and match.

Relevance to Language Learning:

Flashcards allow learners to learn vocabulary from flashcards created by others, whereas in the learn option students need to answer the correct word by reading the meaning of the word and looking at a relevant image. They can use predicting, inferencing skills in this case. The spell option gives an audio input of the word and students need to write or type the word they listen. Until they can write the correct word, they can not try another word. Test option gives students and teachers the chance to assess the progress of learning by using quiz on the vocabulary learned by flashcards or by learn and spell options. Match and Gravity, however, are games which students can try to assess their learning through fun.

Theoretical Underpinning:

Quizlet is a great tool because it allows students to perceive their own progress autonomously. Students can use the flashcards on their own and realize what they know and do not know. They can also find out the answers on their own. Therefore, they can learn even without any instruction from their teachers.

Getting Started:

The following video has been created by me to show how to open an account in Quizlet and how to create flashcards and test for students.

Advantages: There are several advantages why I recommend teachers to use Quizlet.

1. Quizlet has a good graphical user interface and easy to use features.

2. It is very easy to create quizzes. The teacher does not need to write or copy all the words and meaning to create a test for students. Moreover, the test score can be electronically stored.

3. Match and Gravity options will create motivation among students to learn the words. Matching words with the relevant images give an impression of game. Therefore, young learners will like this activity a lot.

4. The website can be accessed from both mobile phone and computer. Therefore, the teacher can also use Quizlet in the classroom for a quick group work given that students have mobile phones. It can also be used in low-resources classrooms if only there is access to mobile phones.

5. Creating an account and subscribing to Quizlet Plus by spending subscription fees are not mandatory. Therefore, teachers can use it without spending much time for training themselves or spending money.  

6. Teachers can easily teach the foreign or second language by translating the meaning of the word in students' L1. Therefore, learners at the beginning stage will be much benefitted by this translating facility.


1. Teachers should not always rely on the saved flashcards or tests created by others as the information may not be true always.

Finally, if the teachers and students can use Quizlet in a strategic way in the classroom or outside their classroom lectures, it can help the second or foreign language learners a lot as it not only shows meaning or assesses progress, but also serves audio, visual and even kinaesthetic learners.


The logo of Quizlet is a registered trademark of www.quizlet.com.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

An Online Bulletin Board for Classroom: Padlet

Padlet is a free and user friendly bulletin board. It can be used for collaborative language learning, the idea introduced by Vygotsky in 1987 in his concept of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).

Get Started:

Teachers can easily open an account by clicking the 'sign up for free' option of https://padlet.com/. Once the account is open using email or facebook or google account, there will be a lot of easy to follow options for title, description, layout, wallpaper, tags, address, privacy. Once the teacher chooses the option, it will be ready to use and the teacher will be asked to create a Padlet or bulletin board. The following photo collage shows step by step way of creating a bulletin in Padlet.

Step by Step Way of Choosing Title, Description, Layout


1. Teachers can easily give notice and share ideas in the classroom. They can also discuss with the students in the classroom or for brainstorming ideas as a pre-task activity.

2. Teachers can benefit from it as it helps to organize all images, audio, video clips and notes of a lecture or course in a single page. These documents can be attached and maximize whenever necessary.

3. It is a great platform for group work or project as different group members can easily add their points and comment on other group members' points. There is 'comment' option which they can easily use to give feedback and delete. The teachers can activate 'moderator's approval' option if they fear that the students will post something unwanted.  

4. As a lot of visual, audio and video input can be given, Padlet can serve the visual and auditory learners well.

5. In the low-resources classroom, where there is no computer or projector, Padlet can be used easily from mobile phones.

Implications for the Classroom:

1. This online bulletin board can be used for giving notice to the students, brainstorm ideas for a topic or lecture. For example, the teacher can introduce the topic of the next class and ask students to share their ideas and relevant images, audios and videos in it.

2. It is the best for group work as students can work from both classroom and home. They can share the ideas, images, audio and video links. https://padlet.com/kabbo1971/ELT03_02_2017 is a sample lesson plan that I have created as a group work. 

3. They can also use it for group presentations.by dividing different segments of a presentation, they can work and add the points. Collaboration and giving constructive feedback are very easy in Padlet.


1. The main disadvantage of using Padlet is that apart from organizing ideas, topics, group works, it does not offer any more options.

https://padlet.com/kabbo1971/Webinar_on_Padlet# is a link of a Padlet I created for a webinar on Padlet . You can create one for your class and enjoy its benefits.

Using in Bangladesh:

In Bangladesh, teachers can easily use Padlet for any group activity. When the students are asked to give the presentations or submit the assignments, they can easily share the slides and links in a Padlet group. Feedback from the teachers and students can be given in the comment section. Therefore, it will help the students to edit and learn.

The logo of Padlet is a registered trademark of www.padlet.com.


Vygotsky, L. (1987). Zone of proximal development. Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes, 5291, 157-158.