Friday, March 3, 2017


In the present world where portability is an issue in language learning, a teacher can think about Nearpod. In order to use Nearpod, one needs to download the app and go to The teacher can subscribe for free or subscribe. Once the teacher creates a presentation or share an activity or language task, the students can use it from their mobile phones. The teacher is in control of the task. The students can not control or avoid doing the task until he/she exits from Nearpod.

Theoretical Considerations:

Using Nearpod for language learning is interesting because of authenticity, collaboration and motivation. For example, authentic language activity can be given by sending students to a real situation and asking them to fill up the gaps or writing the short answers after finishing talking with someone in English. This situation might be about exchange greetings or bargaining the price of a good or about discussion with a friend regarding studies. Students feel motivated when they are pushed out of their comfort zone to work in a real life context using Nearpod. They can either collaborate for the task or do the task individually.

Sample Activity:

1. The teacher can use the quiz for vocabulary activities. The students can be asked to do homework from their home. The teacher can see who has done the work and the statistics of participation are shown too. Therefore, for formative assessment, it can be a good tool.

Here is a simple activity that can be played from the Nearpod app. After entering the app, students will have to type MBAVS and they will be able to answer the questions on a simple lesson on brainstorming ideas.


1. Teachers can easily upload their PowerPoint presentations in Nearpod. They can highlight, copy and delete as well. Videos can be uploaded from a computer or from YouTube.

2. As this is controlled by the teacher, the students may not be distracted in the classroom. The teacher can share one idea at a time.

3.The teacher can share the best answer without even sharing the name of the person and embarrassing others. Therefore, students will feel secured as their mistakes will not be revealed to peers.

4. The teacher can edit and add a new activity in the middle of an ongoing language learning task. This flexibility gives an advantage of improvisation of task in the classroom depending on necessity.


If the teacher wants students to take picture and share with students, it needs to be made sure that in the devices of  the students this feature is working properly.


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